
UNSW Registration and Login Guide | How to Complete your Application online

UNSW Application online, Free Sign Up for scholarships with How to and Guides to follow – In this guide, we are going to show you everything you need to know about signing up or registration and Login steps you can use on the unsw website as you begin your journey or continue it towards getting your scholarships with them.

Logging in to your UNSW Account

First, you must register before you can login, before doing so you have to be one of the following, you’ll either be:

  • An UNSW student/staff 
  • You’re not a UNSW student
  • Post graduate student (which also has scholarships)

Getting Started for your UNSW Registration

Even before you can login or have login details, you’ll be needing to register an online account for yourself which you will use to apply and track your progress of getting the scholarships and other activities from the official website.

Here are a couple of requirementst to complete your UNSW application online
Go here to begin the Registration

This applies to Scholarships for:

High School Leaver
Non-High School Leaver
Current Undergrad
Postgrad Coursework
